

Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::create: Could not create folder.Path: [ROOT]keys
Key folder in safepath unaccessible


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Cauliflower is a vegetable that requires a fair amount of care in cultivation; the soil must be rich (without exceeding), thus in the crop rotation, this variety of Brassica oleracea should always be cultivated first.

Cauliflower needs large spaces in-between the plants to allow the growth of the leaf mass, so plentiful irrigation must not be missing.

The early cauliflower types require a greenhouse seeding in March, late ones instead need to be seeded in open-air flowerbeds between April and May; the transplanting occurs after a month or 45 days (the suitable distance for cauliflower cultivation is approximately 50X50cm). NB: it is essential to remember that to obtain a pure white cauliflower it is necessary to tie the outer leaves on the flower or fold some of them on top.